Thursday, February 23, 2012

Connecting with the Community

Students who are learners of second language have a serious problem to speak, generally. Although they have enough information to speak, they do not speak owing to the fact that they don't have an enough chance to practise it. I think it is related with that they are not connected with community. As a teacher, firstly I want to handle this problem. In order to create an environment which students need to speak more, I can give homework which they need to make an interview with a person each week on different topics. According to the topics, the person they'll interview chance and they have more chance to speak with more people. They will record their interview and each week they will share it with me. I think at the end of the semester, not only will their speaking be more fluently, but also they will have a chance to talk different people from society.


Audiovisual materials, websites, outside books, and firsthand sources are all examples of materials we might want to use in the classroom as a teacher to liven up our lessons. It is very important to keep in mind however, that most of these items are protected under copyright laws. As such, we need to have solid background knowledge of copyright. Due to the limitations based on copyright, there may be extra steps we need to take before sharing information with our students if we teach a distance-education course online. Owing to the fact that we will be a model as a teacher for our students, we need to be careful and aware about copyright.

Flipped Classroom

Flipped classroom is very effective way to make students' acquisition better. By learning outside of the class, students take their responsibility to follow their class and they don't need to be worry about the classes which they miss. Also, teacher can be more effective thanks to flipped classroom. Of course, listening the lesson at the classroom is very effective, interactive way; however, flipped classroom presents lots of advantegous for students. For example, a student do not understand a topic and she is a shy student to ask a question. Thanks to flipped classroom, she doesn't need to be worry about it, she can listen her lesson again and again until she understands every detail of the topic.

What I hope to learn from this class?

What I hope to learn from this class? After this class, I am sure I will be more familiar with lots of software and they will be helpful to create an easy environment for my students. Using techonology will be effective for students' learning, I need to use it well. Having contact with students, sharing information easily can make students' learning more effective. So, I hope I am going to learn new ways to use techonology effectively for students.