Thursday, February 23, 2012


Audiovisual materials, websites, outside books, and firsthand sources are all examples of materials we might want to use in the classroom as a teacher to liven up our lessons. It is very important to keep in mind however, that most of these items are protected under copyright laws. As such, we need to have solid background knowledge of copyright. Due to the limitations based on copyright, there may be extra steps we need to take before sharing information with our students if we teach a distance-education course online. Owing to the fact that we will be a model as a teacher for our students, we need to be careful and aware about copyright.

1 comment:

  1. Buket,it seems you are my victim for blog responses.I don't know what you think but I'd rather live in a world where copyright issues do not exist.Everything produced is equally shared among the citizens of all countries without legal or financial interventions.Unfortunately we live in a world of suffering and thievery,so we have to pay respect to copyright issues as you have mentioned above.Interestingly enough,I do find myself agreeing with you on one subject,finally.
